Exchange 2007 SP1 SCC Rebuild?
Hello -
I have a functional SCC Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server that is running out of space on the attached storage (Dell PowerVault 220S). Since the Perc4/DC RAID controllers are running in a clustered configuration, I cannot expand the RAID virtual disks for my logs, quorum, and mailboxes. I've contacted Dell and they said that since this is clustered, the existing array cannot be expanded.
My question is how would I go about destroying the existing cluster and bringing a new cluster online? I can't seem to find any documentation on this subject. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
February 27th, 2008 10:58pm
Do you want to:
1. reuse existing hardware for the new cluster?
2. use new hardware for the new cluster, and just want to destroy the old?
3. migrate exchange from old to new?
A combination of all or some of the above?
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February 28th, 2008 10:01pm
Hi Brian -
Thanks for your response. I want to reuse the existing hardware they have, two Dell 2950's and theDell PowerVault 220. I have 147GB disks in the Dell PowerVault, but the partition on the virtual disks is set at 36GB. According to Dell, there is no way to do an online expansion of the existing array to use the rest of the free space on the drives. The version of Exchange will remain the same (Exchange 2007 Enterprise SP1) once the new array has been created. I'm just not sure how to go about it. This is what I was thinking.
1 - Back up everything that is one the Dell PowerVault drives, (Mailbox, Qurorum, and Transcation Logs)
2 - Turn off both servers
3 - Turn on one server and destroy the virtual disks and create 147GB partitions, then turn that server off
4 - Turn on the other server to let the Dell clustering on the Perc4 controller recognize the new virtual disks
5 - Once both servers recognize the new virtual disks, I will turn on server and let it boot into Windows
6 - I will create the disks with the same drive letters as previously used
7 - Then restore the data
8 - Keep fingers crossed that everyhting is working
The above is just an overview of some of the steps. Do you think I am on the right track? Thanks for your feedback.
February 29th, 2008 12:03am