Exchange 2007 SP2 Rollup 3 Kills Edge Server
Installed E2007 SP2 Rollup 3 last on our edge server, for some reason it killed the connection between itself the hub transport server. This morning I was greeted with 4500 messages sitting in the queue on the edge server. No amount of restarting services on the edge or hub or restarting the whole edge server itself resolved the problem. Removing rollup3 on the edge server cleared up the problem and within a minute or two all messages started flowing to the ht and into users mailboxes again. Really stumped on the problem seeing as how there were no indications of problems in event viewer. Any ideas? PS. The cas server's were the first to be updated, than the edge, than the ht/mbx servers. Not sure if it had to do with the order if there is some other underlying culprit. We run sophos puremessage on the edge and ht/mbx servers.
June 17th, 2010 3:34pm

At this point, just install Exchange 2007 SP3. RU3 is obsolete. But for future reference, please see here: Mike Crowley Check out My Blog!
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July 24th, 2010 5:31pm

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