Exchange 2007 SP with Exchange 2007
Will Exchange 2007 operate with Exchange 2007 SP1?
Looking to deploy Exchange 2007 with SP1 but need a 2007 non sp1 to work as an entry point for a migration.
July 25th, 2008 10:29pm
Do you mean: Is it supported to have multiple Exchange servers in an enviroment, running different patch levels; some with SP1 and others without?
If so, the answer is: yes, of course.
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July 26th, 2008 2:46am
Some features in Exchange 2007 with sp1 has been updated or upgraded.For example, Exchange 2007 sp1 can be installed on Windows 2008 Server but Exchange 2007 cannot. So we recommend you to update all the Exchange 2007 Server roles to sp1 with the latest update.
However, if you have to do that, then Exchange 2007 SP1 can be deployed with Exchange 2007 Server.
Meanwhile I would like to know which mail system that you want to migrate to Exchange 2007?
Why dont migrate to Exchange 2007 with sp1 directly?
If you need any help, please feel free to post here.
Best regards,
July 28th, 2008 9:37am
Hi Xiu,
We are migrating from iPlanet to Exchange 2007. The problem is we identified a problem with the migration to Exchange 2007 w/ SP1. What is occuring is the date the email was orginially recieved on changes to the date the migration occured on.
When migrating to Exchange 2007 without SP1 the date time remains the same.
The idea we are going on is to deploy a Hub Transport Server without SP1 and direct migration traffic to that server. The CCR mailbox servers (two clusters) will be SP1 and the other hub/CAS servers will be SP1.
I'm surprised that Exchange 2007 will not deploy on W2K8 unless it is Exchange SP1. Odd.
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July 28th, 2008 3:31pm
Since I am not familar with the migration between iPlanetand Exchange 2007,I do not note the problem that you mentioned.
But you can select to apply sp1 after you finishing migration.
For your reference: How to Install Exchange 2007 SP1 Prerequisites on Windows Server 2008
Best regards,
July 29th, 2008 1:03pm
Thanks Xiu,
I don't think anyone is really famiar with iPlanet to Exchange 2007.
Wish me luck!
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July 29th, 2008 4:59pm