Exchange 2007 Shared Contacts
I have a client with 17 users on Hosted exchange 2007. They have 5 address books with a total of 6k items. They want the address books to update for everyone when anyone makes a change or addition. I set up Public Folders with the contacts and gave everyone
permissions. Here's the problem, with so many contacts the response from exchange server so slow it locks up most of the users. As a temporary fix I made a local copy for all the users but they do not update any changes. There must be a better best
practice to give the customer what they need.
July 11th, 2012 5:07pm
Do you use Multiple GAL in Exchange 2007?
If users use the same OAB, when anyone make a change or addition, other users can see the change in their address book.
Evan Liu
TechNet Community Support
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July 12th, 2012 2:07am