Exchange 2007 Sp2 - Powershell 2.0 Remoting
Is PS remoting supported with Exchange cmdlets? I have been struggling with executing Exchnage cmdlets from a remote PS session. The cmdlets (such as get-exchangeadministrator, get-exchangeserver), are complaining about not being able to find DCs in the domain. All cmdlets executes fine on the exchange servers. I have also tried credssp as I thought this might be related to double hop delegation. Anyone had any experience with PS remoting against Exchange 2007 cmdlets? The only information I could locate so far is at this true? Thank you in advance...
November 26th, 2009 6:13am
Per my research, you can use the remote PowerShell for exchange 2007 SP2 management. The requirement is:
Any previous WinRM and PowerShell must be removed before install the new versions
WinRM 1.1 and PowerShell v2 must be installed on both exchange server and client
Notes: Yet, theres no official article to clear the remote PowerShell for exchange 2007 SP2. So,please test it in the lab first
Uninstall Previous Versions of Windows PowerShell and Windows Remote Management
Installing Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP)
Connecting to a remote Exchange 2010 Organization using Remote PowerShellJames Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 26th, 2009 10:15am
Per my research, you can use the remote PowerShell for exchange 2007 SP2 management. The requirement is:
Any previous WinRM and PowerShell must be removed before install the new versions
WinRM 1.1 and PowerShell v2 must be installed on both exchange server and client
: Yet, there’s no official article to clear the remote PowerShell for exchange 2007 SP2. So, please test it in the lab first
Uninstall Previous Versions of Windows
PowerShell and Windows Remote Management
Installing Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP)
Connecting to
a remote Exchange 2010 Organization using Remote PowerShell
James Luo
TechNet Subscriber Support (
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
has someone ever actually succeeded in managing an Exchange 2007 server via PowerShell 2.0 Remoting?
every attempt i tried failed so far.
July 21st, 2010 1:45pm
MR Tom Tom 1234,
With Exchange 2007 you have to execute the cmdlets locally on the machine where the code is running from that means that machine needs to exist is a security context that will allow you run the Exchange Management Shell eg installed as per If there is no Trust between the domains your machine is in and Exchange Server and you can't logon onto the machine where the code is running with
a user that has been deletegated Exchange Administration rights then your code wont work with 2007 because there is no ability to specify alternate credentials in the EMS. You need to have the code running from a machine where the secruity context is availible.
Another option if this isn't possible for you is that the log files themselves are plain text so you can parse the directly eg using something like Logparser the problem is that these files can be very large so its not something unless your log
files are small that you want to attempt over a network.
Path Finder..
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January 22nd, 2011 8:31am
I have a working solution which works only with powershell, winrm and impersonation. If you are interested drop me a note at
February 10th, 2011 10:44pm
I have send a mail to you. please repley me. This is my mail ID.( By A path finder Jo Swa
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 14th, 2011 8:25pm
look @
February 16th, 2011 3:27pm
Bumping an old thread... I am currently attempting to get this to work on our system as we currently have windows 2003 and exchange 2007. I have installed all items on both the client and exchange server. However, when attempting to setup the
PSSession, it is pointing to http://<FQDN>/powershell/. The problem is, exchange 2007 did not install the PowerShell virtual directory in IIS. Can anyone tell me if they have gotten this to work on exchange 2007.
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March 28th, 2012 2:27pm
Same here - what I found out so far:
There will be no IIS virtual directory for powershell if you are working with Exchange 2007. Instead the url looks like http(s)://machine:[5985|5986]/wsman
You will be using winrm directly without IIS support.
Still I can't get the get-exchangeserver command to work. It keeps complaining about not being able to find the domain controllers.
I guess there might be a problem with serverside autenticating the specified credentials. Althogh I use the right domain\account & password, it looks like they are not passed to/validated by the server?!
... currently clueless ...
Edit: Well - simple task. Just execute the commands locally. Do NOT open any pssessions on remote hosts. As you locally installed the management tools, you simply run the commands locally. That's all.
April 16th, 2012 8:19am