I would like to use the full regex library for a transport rule; do I need to create a new transport agent to do this? If so, how do I accomplish this? Has anyone already done this?
Thanks in advance for any and all help
Technology Tips and News
I would like to use the full regex library for a transport rule; do I need to create a new transport agent to do this? If so, how do I accomplish this? Has anyone already done this?
Thanks in advance for any and all help
Hi Jerry,
Below is what appears to be available:
Regular Expressions in Transport Rules Ex2007
This topic describes the implementation of regular expressions that can be used with predicates on transport rules. Predicates are used by conditions and exceptions to determine whether a configured action or actions should be applied to an e-mail message.
Depends what you are targetting on, as each expression would have some other action I suppose, this would mean you would have lots of trasnport rules, which is not a great idea.
See if any anti-spam solution fits your requirement.
Alternately you can export the library content and use some powershell script to form the $Condition.Patterns you want.
A transport Agent will give you full access to the Message while its in the Transport Pipeline and you can then do what you want to it. The place to start would be https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa579185(v=exchg.80).aspx or you can try the 2010 Transport SDK http://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=2886 . (Mainstream support has ended on 2007 which is why the old content is harder to find).