Exchange 2007 UM and storage limits
I've got a user with no mailbox storage quota (see settings below), but whenever she accesses her voicemail, she receives a message that she is at or near the storage limit. I've seen
Understanding Storage Quotas and Voice Mail on TechNet, but it doesn't seem to apply since she is "unlimited" but still hearing a message.
Here are her settings:
ProhibitSendQuota : unlimited
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota : unlimited
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults : False
IssueWarningQuota : unlimited
How do I troubleshoot this? Thanks.
April 11th, 2012 12:03pm
Hi WinadminSM,
Could you please check the size of the mailbox, it is strong recommended to configure the limiation, , because large mailbox stores lead to long backup and restore times. Large mailbox stores may also affect the availability and reliability of your Exchange
Could you please post the databasequota limits?
The issue sound odd, if you get the information above on the mailbox level, those seems mormal, could you please test mailbox also has the same issue.
How about move the mailbox to other database and make some tests.
I would suggest that you could update the exchange with the latest version.
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April 12th, 2012 6:08am
The voicemail system isn't reading the setting (or something). The network team is going to bounce it. I'm confident this is not an Exchange issue.
April 17th, 2012 3:27pm