Exchange 2007 Uninstall help!
So our transport service would not start we tried all sorts of different things to get it going and none of them worked. So we thought lets just uninstall exchange 2007, whoever has done this knows its not an easy task and we can not seem to uninstall it. When you uninstall you have to create a new public folder database and remove any replicas. The situation is this we have one server running standard R2 2003 x64 and we are trying to move e-mail in house. So now within the management shell we run the command "get-publicfolderdatabase | remove-publicfolderdatabase -removelast allowed" and when we run this it says "the public folder database specified contains folder replicas. Before deleting remove the folders or move the replicas" so we open up management console go to the storage group and see that no folder replication is enabled. We want to just delete these replicas not move them so we can re-install exchange. We can not find these 'replicas' anyware and it is disabled on the storage group. How could this be? Any insight will be greatly appreciated as we are pressed for time.
Jacob Fry
November 26th, 2007 9:22pm
Fixed it! I found a post in an earlier thread about ADSIedit doing this solved all the problems!
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November 26th, 2007 9:56pm
Could you link the post for future searches please?
November 30th, 2007 6:55pm