Exchange 2007 VM Lab Configuration
I'll try this again .. I'm a setting up ExCH07 on Server2003 in a VirtualBox in order to learn and practise. There must be a way to send a simple email in/out just for test purposes. ???? VirtualBox is running on XP. I installed everything and created a network bridge. I can get to the internet and ping things like I created the Server2003 and set the domain to Exchange installed correctly. I created a Recieve Connector in Server Configuration -> Hub Transport :: Client Use all avail IP locally on port 25 and 587 :: recieve all IP address - :: Anonymous is checked. The FQDN is What am I missing? I signed up with I don't want to pay for a mail hop service that I'm only going to use for an hour or two .. Any ideas on how to use Ex07 in this environment?
July 7th, 2011 3:20am

try again ..
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August 3rd, 2011 9:59pm

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