Exchange 2007 and DST in multiple sites
Dear All,I have a question about exchange 2007 DST in exchange "Forward Notification Message" feature and DST in my organization I hope that you will able to help me with that, thanks from advance.Current environment (after the change):Head office London, Exchange 2007 on Windows 2008, with Windows 2008 DCbranch office Jerusalem:using the Exchange 2007 at the London office with MPLS connection between the offices, local windows 2008 Read-only AD.workstation Win XP SP3, outlook 2007 SP2on the Jerusalem site,when the users on jerusalem sites receving the Exchange "Forward Notification Message" the meetnig hours inside the message body is diffrent from the real time of the meeting (see example in the bottom of this page) and the GMT located in the body of the message is set for London GMT and not Jeruslam as it supposed to be.why is that happens? is it because the mailboxs are located at london server?how can i know that i am ok with DST at Jeruslam, and which updates shold be installed at the servers the ensure that the DST settings at London and Jeruslam are corrects?Thanks.Alon.
Your meeting was forwarded
xxxxx xxxxx has forwarded your meeting request to additional recipients.
Meeting Time
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 5:00 PM-5:30 PM.
(the correct time in here should be 7:00 PM-7:30 PM, the Calendar is ok).
Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
All times listed are in the following time zone: (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London (this should be Jerusalem GMS +2)
February 21st, 2010 6:03am
Hi Alon
I also have a similar issue is there any solution to this.
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April 11th, 2012 2:44am