Exchange 2007 and Windows 2003 AD Upgrade
Hi all, Customer intend to upgrade their current infra running W2K3 SP2 AD and E2K3 SP1 to W2K8 AD and E2K7. Questions:1.What is the recommended order of the upgrade? Upgrade W2K3 AD to W2K8 then migrate E2K3 to E2K7 or the other way round? 2. If customer move to W2K8 AD first, does the existing E2K3 SP1 supported to run in W2K8 AD? For some reason, customer cannot upgrade their E2K3 to SP2
July 9th, 2009 9:03am

Sarting with #2, you need to have Exchange 2003 SP2 to work with W2k8 DCs/GCs so answer to #1 is you need to go for Exchange upgrade first due to can't install Exchange 2003 SP2 and then DC/GC upgrade. Exchange Server and Windows Server 2008 Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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July 9th, 2009 9:14am

The problem is still with SP2. Exchange 2007 cannot be installed into a Exchange 2003 SP1 Org.Customer has 2 FE and 2 BE. How does Exchange 2007 determine what Exchange 2003 SP level? The reason is that can the customer just upgrade the FE to SP2. Will Exchange 2007 happily installed into the Org while BE remain as SP1?
July 10th, 2009 4:45am

Ah, missed it...Yes, Exchange setup checks all Exchange 2003 server to be on at least SP2 during prerequisests check so you need to upgrade BE also, otherwise it will stop with an error "an Exchange 2003 server that is not running Service Pack 2."Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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July 10th, 2009 5:42am

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