Exchange 2007 and legacy mailbox access thru OWA
Dear all,I ownder if anyone has run into a similar problem. I have a mixed enviroment Ex2003 and Ex2007 SP2, and this is what i have:3x Ex2003 SP2 backend on Win2k3 SP22x Ex2003 SP2 front end on Win2k3 SP22x Ex2007 CAS SP2 on Win2008 SP24x Ex2007 Mailbox Sp2 on Win 2008 Sp22x HUB Transport SP2 on Win2008 SP2My problem bigins with OWA, when I use my Ex2007 CAS to access legacy mailbox on Ex2003 using \exchange virtual directory I'm promted with logon page, once I enter my credentials I get a page with missing theams like read X showing as there is a missing pecture, basicaly not all is shown, messiges are missing and so on, a similar experience I.m geting when i use Firefox, only the messages a displayed.On the other hend when I use /OWA directory I'm able to access my Ex2007 mailbox without problem, and the redirect using /EXCHANGE works well for Ex2007 mailbox but not for legacy maibox.How can I fix my legacy OWA page when using /exchange, for my legacy maiboxes.Thank you
December 28th, 2009 12:43am
Have you seen below?
Outlook Web Access and Exchange 2007, 2003 and 2000 coexistence
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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December 28th, 2009 2:42pm
Hi,Please try to access /exchange on the Exchange 2003 backned server directly, what's the result?Additionally, please post the IIS log of the CAS on the forum.ThanksAllen
December 30th, 2009 11:21am
Dear Vinod , thank you for your quck respons, i folowed the link that you posted and the article was quide inforamtive. After masive google search I found out that the permisions one exchweb virtual directory on exchange 2003 backend where wrongly set. It is required that windows integrated athetication is enabled on the directory to function properly. The exchweb directory is the one ho holds owa theams, for legacy OWA experience, after ensuring that all my backend servers head windows integrated athetication set it worked.Thank you for your helpBujar
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January 2nd, 2010 1:20am
Dear Allen, accesing OWA directly wors well, the redirection is the problem. I finaly managed to find out the problem with windows integrated athetication was missing on exhweb directory on my backend servers. Afterwords it worked.Thank youBujar
January 2nd, 2010 1:23am