Exchange 2007 in mixed domains
I have exchange 2007organisation with 6 domains
4 domains have controllers with windows server 2003 sp1 instaled.two domains with windows server 2000 instaled
in win 2000 domains i dont have mail enabled users and i dont need use this domains for exchange.
But when i try change configuration controler from emc i get error domain " " (win 2000) does not have controller with server 2003 sp1 instaled.
MSExchange ADAccess write 2116 error for this domains.
Can i "tell " to exchange dont use this domains.
sorry for my english.
July 15th, 2008 2:18pm
If I am understanding correctly, you may want to specify Windows 2003 SP1 DC/GC for Exchange 2007 Server and you want to exclude DCs/GCs which runs on Windows 2000 Server, right?
If this is your situation, Id like to explain that unlike Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007 need do it in EMS(shell) other than EMC(Console).
Please refer to below steps:
1. open Exchange Management Shell.
2. Run command:
Set-ExchangeServer -Identity "<Exchange server name>" -StaticExcludedDomainControllers "<FQDN of Windows 2003 DC>", "<FQDN of Windows 2003 DC>" -DomainController <FQDN of Windows 2003 DC>
For more information about command Set-ExchangeServer, please refer to:
More Information:
To verify whether Windows 2000 DC are excluded, please run command Get-ExchangeServer -Identity "<server name>" |fl and check the domain controller related properties.
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July 17th, 2008 12:22pm
I run this command
But have same errors.
July 21st, 2008 9:40am
Would you please send me the screenshot of the error messsage you recevied? My email address is
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July 21st, 2008 11:42am