Exchange 2007 issues
So I have Exchange 2007 installed and operational but there are a couple of questions I cannot seem to find answeres to.
1. When viewing mailboxes via Recipient Configuration in EMC is there a way to display mailbox size and number of message within mailbox ?
2. In E2K3 I use to be able to send myself and email with a report attached showing the results of the Microsft Exchange Server Mailbox Manager. can I still do this ?
3. What is the best way in E2K7 to keep track of mailbox sizes ?
Thank You in advance.
March 25th, 2008 8:49pm
I am looking for the same, at least in the UI. You can do it with powershell rather easily. See the following for an easy "ps1" powershell script. SImply add your servernames into the script and run in PS.
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April 17th, 2008 5:51am