Exchange 2007 mailbox moves
Hi All,
I have an Exchange 2007 edb A that is growing and the free HD space available is down to less than 10%.
Our SAN group carved out a new drive for my use. I created a new edb B and moved user mailboxes from A to B totally about 90GB. That process went well. However, when I looked on edb A I saw no reduction in the overall size of the
edb. The size of edb B grew matching the size of the mailboxes that I moved. Why is this for A???
October 5th, 2012 1:43pm
The EDB files never shrink on disk unless an offline defrag is performed. Can you move all the mailboxes to a new databases? How much free space is logically available in the original database according to event 1221 in the event logs?
Oh and the database will not grow on disk until the available white space within it is used.
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October 5th, 2012 1:55pm
Hi Andy,
I do appreciate the quick response it makes sense to me. Thank you
October 5th, 2012 2:16pm