Exchange 2007 mailbox size
Does anyone know if there is a way to see the mailbox size from the EMC? In 2003 I think I changed the columns to show the mailbox size, but when I go in to add columns in 2007 mailbox size is not listed. We use to go in once a month and see who was coming close to the storage limits and send them an email reminding them to clean up to free space.
May 2nd, 2007 11:53pm
Not from the UI, you will have to open an Exchange Powershell window and run the Get-MailboxStatistics command.
Get-MailboxStatistics -Server <ServerName>
This you can pipe into a file, sort or filter.
Get-MailboxStatistics |where {$_.TotalItemSize -gt 100MB} | sort $_.TotalItemSize |FT DisplayName,ItemCount,TotalItemSize
see more examples at
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May 3rd, 2007 1:56am
Here's my contribution. I wrote this script to include some additional user information in the Mailbox Size report.Get-User -ResultSize Unlimited | Where {$_.RecipientType -eq "UserMailbox"} | Select DisplayName, Company, City | foreach {
$MailboxInfo = Get-Mailbox -identity $_.displayName$MailboxStat = Get-MailboxStatistics -identity $_.displayName
Add-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty UseDefault $MailboxInfo.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaultsAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty WarningQuota $MailboxInfo.IssueWarningQuotaAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty SendQuota $MailboxInfo.ProhibitSendQuotaAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty SendRecieveQutoa $MailboxInfo.ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty QuotaStatus $MailboxStat.StorageLimitStatus Add-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty TotalItems $MailboxStat.ItemCountAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty TotalSizeMB $MailboxStat.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()Add-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty DeleteItems $MailboxStat.DeletedItemCountAdd-Member -InputObject $_ noteProperty DeletedSizeMB $MailboxStat.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB() -PassThru
} | Export-Csv -Path D:\MailboxSize.csv
April 23rd, 2009 2:51pm