Exchange 2007 owa limitation?
Greetings to whoever has an answer to this riddle. Here's our environment: Our mail is hosted by another company. Sotheaddress"" is pointing to their IP address in the dns records. We have an exchange 2007 server which uses a 3rd party pop3 program to download the mail. Our mail is then processed by the exchange server, and distributed to our end users. Within my LAN I can browse to "" and gain access to the outlook web access. I have opened the appropriate port on my firewall and can now browse to my IP address externally, "" The problem is, our certificates show "," so when I browse to web mail when outside my office I get a certificate error. Is there a way to set the certificate so that it uses the IP address forits friendly name to prevent Certificate errors? How should I proceed? Internally I have no certificate errors, only externally. cheers; Jordy
September 12th, 2008 9:34pm

Hi, Have you considered to get another certificate like, install this on the Exchange server and then add the webmail hostname to the public dns?? Leif
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September 13th, 2008 1:24am

Thats a great freakin' idea. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that. Thanks Leif! cheers; Jordy
September 13th, 2008 2:13am

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