Exchange 2007 owa password disable
Hello,I am trying to disable the owa password change functionality. I have found a couple articles pointing me to theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeWeb\OWA registry key. The MSExchangeWeb key doesnot exist on my machine. If I add it, the OWA key and the disable password value there is no change in the OWA.Any suggestions?
December 12th, 2008 11:21pm
Hi,You can use segmentation feature of Exchange 2007 OWA to enable/disable various features in EMC or in EMS, use same method to disable the password change functionality. In EMC, disable "Change Password" in segmentation tab or in EMS, use Set-OwaVirtualDirectory to change the value of ChangePasswordEnabled switch to $false.How to Manage Segmentation in Outlook Web Access Tank || MVP - Exchange || MCITP - Exchange 2007 ||
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December 13th, 2008 12:07am
I tried disabling the Change Password in segmentation with no luck. I would expect the change password link to disappear after disabling password changes in segmentation. The only other thing that is strange is that even with the change password link, I am unable to change passwords through OWA, I get the following error message:"Could not retrieve the domain name of user." I am not sure if these two issues could be related but better to report everything.Thanks.
December 13th, 2008 12:57am
Hi,If you do want to let "Change Password" button to disappear,then you can try to customize OWA. You may need some coding or just delete the change password button.If you need more help on develpment,then I recommend you to post issue in development queue to get better help.We alsoappreciate you to post the update here.Thanks.Xiu
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December 15th, 2008 12:14pm
After some testing it turns out that the issue had to do with the plan the user where subscribed to. This overrode the setting in segmentation. After disabling the OWA allow password change property in the plan, mailboxes created with this plan were no long able to use the change password functionality.
December 21st, 2008 2:40am
As xiu said, if you want to hide the "change password" button in OWA of Exchange 2007, you have to customize it;if you are running exchange 2000 or 2003, you may get the result by modifing registry;pls read the following KB, might be helpfull for you; -jack
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December 22nd, 2008 6:29am