Exchange 2007 plus cluster on Windos
I'd take a look at these steps. Are you doing CCR or SCC? Morowczynski|MCT| MCSE 2003:Messaging, Security|MCITP:EMA 2K7,EDA Win 7,ES,SA,EA|MCTS:Windows Mobile Admin|Security+|
February 26th, 2010 4:44pm
Hello, Thanks for the reply I'm doing CCR Best Regards Romain
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February 26th, 2010 4:56pm
Hello, additionnal information that i receved : "the value « MNSFileShare » is not set" Please help Best Regards Romain
February 26th, 2010 8:17pm
Hi,Sounds like you haven't configured the file share witness.
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February 26th, 2010 11:40pm
Hello, Thaks for the reply, but the link you given not display well, have you another link for me ? Best Regards Romain
March 1st, 2010 11:50am
Is this format any better for you?
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March 1st, 2010 12:04pm
Yes, I will read it Thank you Romain
March 1st, 2010 1:02pm
when i type this "Cluster res "Majority Node Set" /priv MNSFileShare= " i receve this response : "the cluster resource could not be found" any idea ? Best Regards Romain
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March 1st, 2010 2:15pm
Hi I have updated the information, please have another look now.
March 1st, 2010 2:42pm
thank you you are very quick :) when i type this command line i receve this error : "5007 (0x0000138f)" the cluster resource could not be fould" I think that my cluster is well configured, but it seems not, and i do not get any error message during cluster creation. For the moment i'm working with one node, once this issue will be resolved, i will prepare the second node. an idea Best Regards Romain
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March 1st, 2010 4:18pm
Your cluster is more than likely fine, the issue with be the share permissions of the shared folder that you are using, can you browse to the share using the account that you are configuring the cluster with?
March 1st, 2010 4:59pm
i had first created the share on local c: drive, and i receve the same error message. Second i had created the share on the quorum disk, and i receve the same error with the command line : Cluster exchange res "Majority Node Set" /priv MNSFileShare=\\exch-2k7-node1\MNS_FSW_DIR my command line is correct or not ? on what disk do i have to create the share ? Thank you Best Regards Romain
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March 1st, 2010 5:13pm
additionnal informations, i am quite new with cluster technology. I knew the principe of cluster since NT4 version, but not really worked with it since one month with cluster 2003 It is the first time that i work with Exchange 2007 on cluster CCR with wmware workstation. So if i write some mistake, you can correct me. Best Regards Romain
March 1st, 2010 7:11pm
the MNS share is now fine. Now i receve another error : "The specified clustered mailbox server name already exists. It is not suitable for re-use because it is not a clustered mailbox server or it is not hosted on the local node. Please verify the clustered mailbox server name, and retry the operation." here is what i've done : In parallel i had worked with cluster 2008, may be there is some confusion, so i clean AD, and dns any idea ? Best Regards Romain
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March 1st, 2010 7:56pm
hi ,regarding what u have said , its better for u to destroy the cluster between the 2 nodes & create it from the begining & configure it with majority node set ( shared file ).after that install the Active MBX on the active node then the passive below referance link for step by step how to make that
March 1st, 2010 8:16pm
hi ,first uninstall in mailbox role u installed.destory the cluster.use: cluster node <node name> /forcecleanupmake sure the computer account is deleted from the active directory.remove its record from the the best practice analyzer to make sure that this database is completly removed.when u finish all that reinstall new windows with new windows cluster ( majority node set ) then install mbx ccr rolesusing the following link
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March 2nd, 2010 1:16am
Hello, ok i will destroy the cluster. In fact in the cluster database, he kept the names of my several try. i have done some research to delete name, but no result. Thank you Best Regards Romain
March 2nd, 2010 12:08pm
Hello, now i'm receving this error message during the final stage of installation of cluster mailbox : Error : The clustered mailbox server's specified IP address ( could not be used because it is already in use. Please re-run setup using a unique IP address. - for the hostname i type , the name of the first node - for the ip address, ip address of the node i had tryed to enter the ip address of the cluster, and i receve another error message. Where i'am going wrong ? Need help Best regards Romain
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March 2nd, 2010 5:52pm
Hello, Issue resolved, in fact i had just type a new name and a new ip address. And now exchange 2007 is now installed on actve node and passive node successfully. Thank you to all. Now i would like to upgrade to SP1, but setup program displays that i could not do it graphically, i have to dp it using command line. i need SP1 to enable CCR, accessible in management shell, "EnableContinusReplicationHosts" the help of is rich, i do not know i right synthax, can you help me ? Best Regards Romain
March 4th, 2010 1:38pm
i made a mistake, i typed the wrong help screen. I find it, upgrade to sp1 in progress Romain
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March 4th, 2010 1:48pm
hello, how can i upgrade exchange2007 installation files up to sp1, using /mode:upgrade.. ? is it possible ? best regards Romain
March 4th, 2010 5:18pm