Exchange 2007 problem
hi all please i need some help with my proble and here is my secnario. i have to barnches for my company in differen placesi have root domain (R)in branch A and chiled(X)domain and i have aditional domain for (X) i installed the exchange 2007 on this server, in branch B i have adtional domain for R (Y)and i have chiled for (Y) and i have adtional for this chiled and i have server for Exchange 2007. the problem is i cant send local email from branch A to B and visversa.from both branches i can send and receive from all domain, when i go to any PC in the B Domain and make ping exchange in branch A its go tothe iscsi IP if i log to any PC not joind to the domain its go to the real IP so what i shall do to make it work all my servers is 2003 please reply to my email
April 18th, 2009 6:29pm
Hi,This is a hungarian language forum only. The moderation rules of the forum doesn't allow different language posts (check the anouncement at the top of the forum). Please try to address your question on one of the english forums.Thanks,Zoltn - Free Antivirus for Exchange
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April 18th, 2009 7:40pm
From the post,I understand the issue like below, if it is not the case,please feel free to let me know.
Background for the issue:
Note: I assume there two AD site,A and B.
Root Domain R A site
Child Domain X A site Exchange 2007 installed.
Child Domain - Y B site Exchange 2007 installed.
Users in A cannot send email to User in B.
Id like to clarify the issue with you:
1 . Wether Exchange 2007 in Site A (we will call it ExchangeA) and Exchange 2007 in Site B are in the same organization.What the relationship between these two Exchange Server.
2. Wehter all these Exchange Server connect to Internet.
2 . Wether User in A can send/recieve email to/from user in A.
3. Wether User in A can sedn/receive email from internet.
4. Wether you have additional send connector configured for these two Exchange Server.
We may need to force Globle Catalog and domain controller to replica with each other.
Besides,please try to post the NDR here.
April 20th, 2009 1:39pm