Exchange 2007 reinstall error 3221684226
I had to uninstall & reinstall exchange 2007. While reinstalling i get the following error during the orginization installation: An error occurred. The error code was 3221684226. The message was The system cannot find the file specified. I removed exchange entries from AD & retried but didn't help. The installation log is: [2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Checking write/security permissions on the org: /dc=local/dc=anxious/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Anxious AB[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] We have permission (ExchOrg_Write | ExchAG_Write)[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] We have permission (ExchOrg_SetPerms | ExchAG_SetPerms)[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Looking for an existing server object[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Didn't find an existing server object[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Enumerating all admin groups in the org[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] No admin groups found; extending org-level perms to AG level[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Based on org-level perms, we assume permission ExchAG_Write[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Based on org-level perms, we assume permission ExchAG_SetPerms[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0A0A0[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager:cDeterminePermissionLevel[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CDirectoryManager:cReInitWithDC[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CRegistryManager:cInitFromContext[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CRegistryManager:cInitFromContext[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScSetAdminGroupNamesOnManagedCodeContext[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScIsValidLegacyName[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Testing whether "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" is a valid legacy name[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" is a valid legacy name[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScIsValidLegacyName[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScSetAdminGroupOnManagedCodeContext[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScSetupAtom[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Parameters:[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] idsAtomID: 0X0000FAB2 ("Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object")[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] idsSetupMode: 0X0000F203 ("Reinstall")[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szDestDir: "C:\Exchange 2007SP1\Setup\ServerRoles\Common" [context value is: "C:\Exchange 2007SP1\Setup\ServerRoles\Common"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szSourceDir: "C:\Exchange 2007SP1\Setup\ServerRoles\Common" [context value is: "C:\Exchange 2007SP1\Setup\ServerRoles\Common"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szOrg: "" [context value is: "Anxious AB"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szLegacyOrg: "" [context value is: "Anxious AB"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szLegacyAdminGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szAdminGroupContainingRoutingGroup: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)" [context value is: "Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] szRoutingGroup: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)" [context value is: "Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)"][2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Looking for server object...[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] s_fUpgradingFromPT is FALSE[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CAtomOrgLevelCt:cPreSetup[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object):cPreSetup[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object):cStopAtomServices[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object):cStopAtomServices[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object):cPreSetup[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CAtomOrgLevelCt:cPreSetup[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Beginning Reinstall of Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object sub-component[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CAtomOrgLevelCt:cReinstall[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object):cRefreshDSObjects[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CAtomOrgLevelCt:cAddDSObjects[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Creating Active Directory objects for Microsoft Exchange Organization-Level Container Object[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Creating Microsoft Exchange container[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScCreateExchangeCT[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScCreateExchangeCT[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Creating Microsoft Exchange organization[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering CAtomOrgLevelCt:cCreateOrgCT[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CAtomOrgLevelCt:cCreateOrgCT[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Configuring administrative rights[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Entering ScInstallLDIFScript[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] ScRunLDIFScript (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:888) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] ScInstallLDIFScript (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\server.cxx:149) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScInstallLDIFScript[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] CAtomOrgLevelCt:cAddDSObjects (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_orglevelct.cxx:379) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CAtomOrgLevelCt:cAddDSObjects[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] CBaseAtom:cRefreshDSObjects (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:1476) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] CAtomOrgLevelCt:cReinstall (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_orglevelct.cxx:169) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving CAtomOrgLevelCt:cReinstall[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] mode = 'Reinstall' (61955) CBaseAtom:cSetup (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:535) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] ScSetupAtom (f:\08.01.0240\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\exsetds.cxx:897) Error code 0XC0070002 (2): The system cannot find the file specified.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] Leaving ScSetupAtom[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [2] [ERROR] An error occurred. The error code was 3221684226. The message was The system cannot find the file specified..[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: An error occurred. The error code was 3221684226. The message was The system cannot find the file specified..[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.ExsetdataException: An error occurred. The error code was 3221684226. The message was The system cannot find the file specified..[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] [ERROR] An error occurred. The error code was 3221684226. The message was The system cannot find the file specified..[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] Finished executing component tasks.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [1] Ending processing.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [0] The Exchange Server Setup operation did not complete. For more information, visit and enter the Error ID.[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [0] End of Setup[2008-02-18 16:05:30] [0] **********************************************
February 18th, 2008 6:41pm

I am going to assume your trying to install on a W2K8 platform? Make sure the E2K7 server has RSAT and AD Tools loaded. Scott
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 21st, 2008 9:05pm

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