Exchange 2007 resource booking with no end date
Is it possible to have Exchange 2007 resource recurring booking to be MORE than 1080 days. There are 3 other posts on here asking the same question, but in all cases the answer has been to set EnforceSchedulingHorizon to $false. Well that's the setting I have but I am still limited to 1080 days.Can someone please confirm whether the 1080 days is a limitation in Exchange 2007? or can we have recurring bookings of resources that are unlimited?Thanks.Ben
July 22nd, 2009 11:58pm

By setting EnforceSchedulingHorizon to False i would have guessed that there were no limit on how far in the future you can create bookings.have you tried setting theBookingWindowInDays to a large number of days, maybe 10.000 days?Out of curiosity, why would anyone book ameeting more than 1080 days in advance, its almost 3 years in the future.lasse at humandata dot se,
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July 23rd, 2009 11:55am

There certainly is a limit - in our environment anyway - even if you set EnforceSchedulingHorizon to false.BookingWindowInDays has a max limit of 1080 - you cannot set a number higher than this.To answer your question about why our users want this:A user books a resource, say a training room for 9am - 10am on Mondays - with no end date. The resource gets booked with a recurringend date (in this example 1080 days after - even though the user asked for no end date). In the users personal calendar however it shows the appointment going on with no end date. So three years later, the user still thinks the resource is booked where in fact it is not - someone else comes in and books that time slot.Yes three years is a long time, but considering the fact that the default BookingWindowInDays is 180 (we had changed ours to 365), this scenario has happened more than once.Now the really odd thing is some of our resources (those migratedfrom Exchange 2003) will in fact book with no end date. So what I need to know is if there is a setting we're missing, or if this is a bug or there is a patch or an update etc.? Could someone pleasetest this out inan Exchange 2007 environment:Create a resource - set the parameters as per below and see if you can book a meeting with no end date and have it book the resource and have the appointment still available 3+ years later (on the resources' calendar).AutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : FalseBookingWindowInDays : 1080MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : FalseScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 0MaximumConflictInstances : 0ForwardRequestsToDelegates : TrueDeleteAttachments : TrueDeleteComments : TrueRemovePrivateProperty : TrueDeleteSubject : TrueDisableReminders : TrueAddOrganizerToSubject : TrueDeleteNonCalendarItems : TrueTentativePendingApproval : TrueEnableResponseDetails : TrueOrganizerInfo : TrueResourceDelegates : {}RequestOutOfPolicy :AllRequestOutOfPolicy : FalseBookInPolicy :AllBookInPolicy : TrueRequestInPolicy :AllRequestInPolicy : FalseAddAdditionalResponse : FalseAdditionalResponse : RemoveOldMeetingMessages : TrueAddNewRequestsTentatively : TrueProcessExternalMeetingMessages : FalseDefaultReminderTime : 15RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : FalseIdentity : I.T.S. test car
July 23rd, 2009 6:29pm

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