Exchange 2007 simultaneous OWA connections
Does anyone know what the official number is for amount of simultaneous OWA 2007 connections please.
Base on one Mailbox box server on one box and one Cas and Hub on theseparate box.
Mailbox server has one Store per storage group as recommended 11 storage groups in total one DB per SG.
Users spread out amongst stores evenly with about 2000 in total.
December 7th, 2007 5:00pm
I'm not sure on a theoritical max, however it any max would be based on IIS's max connections which has an 'unlimited' option and is selected by default.
Really, you'll need to look at performance, and that really depends on how active your users are. Remember in 07 CAS, not mailbox actually does the OWA rendering. These are good sizing guidelines:
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December 7th, 2007 7:59pm