Exchange 2007 transaction log move
Hi Guys, I wonder why cant the committed transaction log did not purge after perform database recovery management tool in EMS toolbox option. I have followed the exactly of the step shown in below link. The tool only perform copy of committed log to another location but not clean up.. i wonder why? does it relate to delete retention setting in mailbox database?
September 9th, 2009 6:59am

It doesn't depend on delete retention settings of mailbox database. Database Recovery Management just searches for committed logs based on checkpoint file log requirement and move the logs over to another location. BTW, any reason of moving committed transaction logs? You can take either full or incremental backup to purge the log files regularly and it is recommended to take backup regularly (at least once in a week full backup and daily incremental)...Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 7:29am

It doesn't depend on delete retention settings of mailbox database. Database Recovery Management just searches for committed logs based on checkpoint file log requirement and move the logs over to another location. BTW, any reason of moving committed transaction logs? You can take either full or incremental backup to purge the log files regularly and it is recommended to take backup regularly (at least once in a week full backup and daily incremental)... Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M | The daily full backup didnt not pruge the committed log for me, now the log is fulling up the disk space, that i have got no choice to move out the committed log by using database recovery utility tool.Unfortunately, the utility tool didntmove the committed log on behalf and It has been reached to critical level of available disk space, then i move the log manually to temp resolve the issue.. Do you have any idea of why or what is possibility cause of full backup is successful and didnt purge logs?
September 9th, 2009 8:52am

If backup application is Exchange aware then it should purge the log file in full or incremental backup (make sure it is not copy backup). BTW, which application you use to take backup? Also do you get any error or other information in event log or in backup log which says that log files were not purged during backup.A successful backup log sequence should be like explained in below article... Successful Exchange 2007 Backup Log Sequence Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 9:07am

If backup application is Exchange aware then it should purge the log file in full or incremental backup (make sure it is not copy backup). BTW, which application you use to take backup? Also do you get any error or other information in event log or in backup log which says that log files were not purged during backup.A successful backup log sequence should be like explained in below article... Successful Exchange 2007 Backup Log Sequence Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M | it is exchange aware backup application, from symantec backup exec 12.x above. backup method is selected full backup with log purge.There is no error log report in event viewer.. it is very clean.. event log reported that backup was successful performed for mailbox database, that is all...
September 9th, 2009 9:18am

Are you backing up all the database of that storage group? Because backing up all DBs of a storage group in a single backup job only purge the logs. Also verify the sequence of event log as per the link I gave, for clear idea... Without any error or information about improper sequence of event log, we are clueless why it is not purging the logs. Also can you tell us if any kind of continuous replication configured for the storage group.. Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 9:20am

Are you backing up all the database of that storage group? Because backing up all DBs of a storage group in a single backup job only purge the logs. Also verify the sequence of event log as per the link I gave, for clear idea... Without any error or information about improper sequence of event log, we are clueless why it is not purging the logs. Also can you tell us if any kind of continuous replication configured for the storage group.. Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M | yes, I backing up all the database of the storage the backup sourceselection, ticked microsoft information store in the selection, it has first storage group and second storage group underneath.I ticked to backup the physical location of the transation log file in drive too.. will that be a problem? I have read the link gave to match with sequence of event log of mine, there are none of it shown in my event log. I will compile the event log and paste it over here later on.Yes, there was a SCR enable in this storage group before, but i have disabled it for narrow down the troubleshooting areas.. Take a look with this storage.[PS] C:\>Get-StorageGroup "clsmbx\first storage group" |fl LogFolderPath : J:\CLSMBX\TransactionLogs\First Storage GroupSystemFolderPath : J:\CLSMBX\TransactionLogs\First Storage GroupCircularLoggingEnabled : FalseZeroDatabasePages : FalseLogFilePrefix : E00LogFileSize : 1024RecoveryEnabled : TrueOnlineDefragEnabled : TrueIndexCheckingEnabled : TrueEventLogSourceID : MSExchangeISLogCheckpointDepth : 20971520CommitDefault : FalseDatabaseExtensionSize : 256PageFragment : 8PageTempDBMinimum : 0Server : CLSMBXServerName : CLSMBXCopyLogFolderPath :CopySystemFolderPath :Recovery : FalseName : First Storage GroupReplicated : NoneHasLocalCopy : FalseCanEnableLocalCopy :CanRunDefaultUpdate :CanRunRestore :StandbyMachines : {hda-scr01.hd.local}AdminDisplayName :ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)DistinguishedName : CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=CLS MBX,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIB OHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Global Exchang e,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,D C=hd,DC=localIdentity : CLSMBX\First Storage GroupGuid : 707192fb-704c-43bb-8363-7c96c4b7c155ObjectCategory : hd.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Storag e-GroupObjectClass : {top, container, msExchStorageGroup}WhenChanged : 8/16/2009 3:40:02 AMWhenCreated : 12/19/2008 12:49:10 AMOriginatingServer : hda-dc02.hd.localIsValid : True
September 9th, 2009 9:42am

Ok. No I don't think taking backup of transaction log drive would create this purge issue. Couple of things we can try out here... Run Get-MailboxDatabase -Status | FL cmdlet to see what's the last backup information it has. Also if you are using Windows 2003 then take a test full backup with NTBackup and see if it purges log.. If you are using Windows 2008 but has Exchange 2007 SP2 then NTBackup is available, try taking backup with NTBackup... Details of Exchange 2007 SP2 in-box backup when running on Windows Server 2008 Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 10:45am

Here is the output :-[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxDatabase -Server clsmbx -Status |fl JournalRecipient :MailboxRetention : 14.00:00:00OfflineAddressBook : \KLDC OABOriginalDatabase :PublicFolderDatabase : CLSMBX\Second Storage Group\Public Folder DatabaseProhibitSendReceiveQuota : 50000KBRecovery : FalseProhibitSendQuota : 45000KBIndexEnabled : TrueAdministrativeGroup : Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT )AllowFileRestore : FalseBackupInProgress : FalseCopyEdbFilePath :DatabaseCreated : TrueDescription :EdbFilePath : J:\CLSMBX\MDBData\First Storage Group\Mai lbox Database\Mailbox Database.edbExchangeLegacyDN : /o=Global Exchange/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Se rvers/cn=CLSMBX/cn=Microsoft Private MDBHasLocalCopy : FalseDeletedItemRetention : 14.00:00:00SnapshotLastFullBackup : TrueSnapshotLastIncrementalBackup :SnapshotLastDifferentialBackup :SnapshotLastCopyBackup :LastFullBackup : 9/9/2009 12:01:59 AMLastIncrementalBackup :LastDifferentialBackup :LastCopyBackup :MaintenanceSchedule : {Sun.2:30 AM-Sun.5:15 AM, Mon.2:30 AM-Mon.5:15 AM, Tue.2:30 AM-Tue.5:15 AM, Wed.2:30 AM-Wed. 5:15 AM, Thu.2:30 AM-Thu.5:15 AM, Fri.2:30 AM- Fri.5:15 AM, Sat.2:30 AM-Sat.5:15 AM}MountAtStartup : TrueMounted : TrueOrganization : Global ExchangeQuotaNotificationSchedule : {Sun.12:00 AM-Sun.1:00 AM, Sun.12:00 PM-Sun.1: 00 PM, Mon.12:00 AM-Mon.1:00 AM, Mon.12:00 PM- Mon.1:00 PM, Tue.12:00 AM-Tue.1:00 AM, Tue.12: 00 PM-Tue.1:00 PM, Wed.12:00 AM-Wed.1:00 AM, W ed.12:00 PM-Wed.1:00 PM, Thu.12:00 AM-Thu.1:00 AM, Thu.12:00 PM-Thu.1:00 PM, Fri.12:00 AM-Fr i.1:00 AM, Fri.12:00 PM-Fri.1:00 PM, Sat.12:00 AM-Sat.1:00 AM, Sat.12:00 PM-Sat.1:00 PM}RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup : TrueServer : CLSMBXServerName : CLSMBXStorageGroup : CLSMBX\First Storage GroupStorageGroupName : First Storage GroupIssueWarningQuota : 35000KBEventHistoryRetentionPeriod : 7.00:00:00Name : Mailbox DatabaseAdminDisplayName : Mailbox DatabaseExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)DistinguishedName : CN=Mailbox Database,CN=First Storage Group,CN= InformationStore,CN=CLSMBX,CN=Servers,CN= Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT ),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Global Exchange, CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configura tion,DC=hd,DC=localIdentity : CLSMBX\First Storage Group\Mailbox Databa seGuid : 63a5a2c5-1b2e-43f2-a96d-73e53336d7e0ObjectCategory : hd.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exc h-Private-MDBObjectClass : {top, msExchMDB, msExchPrivateMDB}WhenChanged : 9/9/2009 1:19:56 AMWhenCreated : 12/19/2008 12:49:14 AMOriginatingServer : hda-dc02.hd.localIsValid : TrueAnyway, our exchange 2007 is installed on windows 2003, but i wonder what is the NTbackup procedure? example, mail store need to take offline prior to backup, etc...
September 9th, 2009 12:08pm

Nop, its simple Exchange 2007 backup and no need to take store offline or dismount. Its online full backup, procedure is given in below article step by step... How to Perform a Basic Backup of Exchange Databases and here... Using NTBACKUP on Exchange Server 2007!7ACD31096EF0FF72!396.entry Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 12:16pm

what is the backup selection should i choose? the same with my existing backup application? or jus select microsoft information store will do?
September 9th, 2009 12:20pm

Just Microsoft Information Store will take Exchange backup, make sure Storage group name and folder inside are selected as like second link I gave...Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 12:22pm

sure thing dude, will try out ntbackup tonight andlet you know the result.. what if the ntbackup is successful backup and log does not purge? what are the possibility cause? anyway, i forgot to inform that this is a cluster exchange mailbox server.. any affect?
September 9th, 2009 12:32pm

Which cluster? CCR or SCC? If CCR with SCC then it is different story and not recommended to use manual method to move committed log files andconventional way to purge the logs are take backup. Also there are difference caveats, check below couple of portions of Continuous Replication deep dive white paper... However NTBackup procedure is same for it... Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 1:04pm

it is not microsoft cluster.. we are using symantec storage foundation windows high availability for exchange clustering, guess it is similar to mentioned, we used to have SCR enabled, due to the problem of backup arise, then we have disabled the log for troubleshooting purpose...
September 9th, 2009 1:27pm

Ahaaa, well in that case I would suggest you to first check with NTBackup to see if purges the logs so we can isolate the issue between NTbackup and Backup Exec. But NTBackup also fails then I would suggest you to check withSymantecon how Exchange clustering works and what's the condition and procedure to take backup with by purging Exchange transaction logs...Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 1:35pm

Ahaaa I like your expression, i do not know is this a good sign to me or it is a worst for my case... let me try out the ntbackup first then hopefully we can iron out some clue from there...
September 9th, 2009 1:39pm

:)That's because we found out some positive direction after NTBackup, need to search in their documentation on how to take backup and in which conditions it purges the logs because I am not aware how that product works...Amit Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 9th, 2009 1:46pm

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