Exchange 2007 unable mount database (hr=0x80004005,ec=-1032)
Hi guys:
My Exchange 2007 Standard Ed.x64 server suddenly crash and the databases (mailbox & PF) appear dismounted. When I try to mount them using the Exchange Management Console it raises an error dialog box stating: "Exchange is unable to mount database that you specified. Specified database: XXXXXXXX; Error code: MapiExceptionCallFailed: Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005,ec=-1032)". Thefree disk space is OK in the volume than contains files. The HW has 2 CPU's Intel E5320, 4GB RAM and a 600GB RAID5. I've failed searchin' those error codesin the KB in don't know what to do next. Please, help me ASAP....Still waiting 4 help....Yesterday I tried with the ESEUTIL /p, ESEUTIL/d & ISINTEG -fix. Failed too....I appreciate some help....
March 3rd, 2009 3:11am
1. First please refer to the article below to check the issue.
Event ID 9519 "Error 0x80004005" is logged in the Application log when you try to mount a database in Exchange Server 2007
2. Please check the driver for the Raid controller. You may update the driver.
3. Please try to disable or uninstall any anti-virus application on Exchange Server.
If problem still persists, then please try to follow the steps in article below perform a dial tone recovery.
How to Perform a Dial Tone Recovery on an Exchange 2007 Server with a Failed Database
4. After that, I recommend you to backup the database and perform database repair on the copy. Besides, if you have daily backup, then I recommend you to restore the database.
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March 5th, 2009 10:13am