Exchange 2007 x64 with IIS 32-bit Emulation
I want to run Sharepoint Services on the same server that I have running Exchange 2007 on right now. Is it possible to run IIS in 32-bit emulation mode with Exchange 2007 or do things like OWA and RPC need IIS running in 64-bit mode?
It would also be helpful to me because then I would be able to install PHP 5.2. I think that the last time I tried turning on 32-bit emulation mode manually some of the services IIS applications crashed and that after that I tried doing it again manually and it kept kicking itself back into 64-bit mode.
Thanks for any more knowledge on this. I'm really new to running Windows 2003 x64 R2 so any input is helpful.
November 13th, 2006 11:58am