Exchange 2010: edit Default E-mail Address Policy failed
Hi,1. Upgraded Default EAP (ExchangeVersion: 0.1 (8.0.535.0))2. Added extra accepted domain3. Edit Default EAP and add second domain fails:Edit Default PolicyFailed
Error:The operation can't be performed on the default e-mail address policy.
Exchange Management Shell command attempted:set-EmailAddressPolicy -ConditionalDepartment @() -ConditionalCompany @() -ConditionalStateOrProvince @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute1 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute2 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute3 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute4 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute5 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute6 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute7 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute8 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute9 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute10 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute11 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute12 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute13 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute14 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 @() -RecipientContainer $null -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates 'X400:c=US;a= ;p=MailOrg;o=Exchange;','SMTP:@demo.lan','' -Name 'Default Policy' -Identity 'Default Policy'No problem creating a new EAP.Any ideas?Martijn
January 15th, 2010 3:09pm
Hi,With -verbose parameter:VERBOSE: [12:15:24.819 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Initializing Active Directory server settings for the remoteWindows PowerShell session.VERBOSE: [12:15:24.819 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Active Directory session settings for 'Set-EmailAddressPolicy'are: View Entire Forest: 'False', Default Scope: 'demo.lan', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DC01.demo.lan',Preferred Global Catalog: 'DC01.demo.lan', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DC01.demo.lan }'VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Runspace context: Executing user:demo.lan/DEMO/Admins/beheer.martijn, Executing user organization: , Current organization: , RBAC-enabled: Enabled.VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Beginning processing.VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Instantiating handler with index 0 for cmdlet extension agent "Rus Agent".VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Instantiating handler with index 1 for cmdlet extension agent"Admin Audit Log Agent".VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Current ScopeSet is: {Domain Read Scope: {, }, Domain WriteScope(s): {, }, Configuration Scope: {, }, Server Configuration Scope(s): {, }, , Exclusive Scope: {, }}VERBOSE: [12:15:24.850 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Searching objects "Default Policy" of type "EmailAddressPolicy"under the root "$null".VERBOSE: [12:15:24.865 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Previous operation run on domain controller 'DC01.demo.lan'.The operation can't be performed on the default e-mail address policy. + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Default Policy:ADObjectId) [Set-EmailAddressPolicy], InvalidOperation Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 78979DD3,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.SetEmailAddressPolicy
VERBOSE: [12:15:24.865 GMT] Set-EmailAddressPolicy : Ending processing.
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January 27th, 2010 3:18pm
I am having the exact same problem, were you ever able to edit the Default EAP? Creating a new EAP seems to work fine, but I get the same error as above when trying to edit the Default EAP from the GUI. I am running a Hyper-V server based on the Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Evaluation VHD, and I installed the Exchange 2010 RC on it. I have had plenty of experience installing and managing Exchange 2000, 2003, and 2007, and as this is a fresh install, I don't understand the problem. Is this just a limit of the RC?...Sr System Engineer
February 6th, 2010 4:02am
Although I do realize this is a bit of a stale topic, it wasn't a couple of weeks ago when I posted my comment. Anyway, I did plenty of searching around, and did not find a solution for this problem, although I found a number of people sharing my problem. That's actually how I came to this site. Anyway, at the time I downloaded the VHD, all that was available was the RC, and I was just running this in a test environment so I would be familiar with the problems I might find in a real-world scenario. In the end, my solution (after a lot of trial and error) was to copy the command produced by the Exchange Console to the Exchange Management Shell and remove the -Name property. Without this, my command ran fine, so it begs the question: If the -Name property of the set-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet causes an error, why is it auto-generated from the Exchange Management Console?Sr System Engineer
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February 22nd, 2010 7:19am
I would really REALLY like to know the why as well. The TechNet article mentioned above had no information on the Default E-mail Address Policy, it dealt with the Default Address Lists. The article I believe you meant to link to is, which does indeed talk about how useless the Console is for such a trivial task. The part that really bothers me is that the Console says (and I quote), "Error: The operation can't be performed on the default e-mail address policy." It doesn't say it can't be done via the console, it simply says it can't be done. It took a lot of trial and error before I got it to work in the shell, and I'm with Drew on the whole anti-small business thing. I am an IT consultant, and the majority of our customers are ~20 man shops. Most of them don't even understand what Exchange does, and it seems like Exchange management is only getting more and more complex.Sr System Engineer
March 26th, 2010 6:22am