Exchange 2010SP1 Multi-Tenant Issue with Multiple Domains
I have an installation of Exchange 2010 SP1 with multi-tenant support enabled via the install time /hosting switch.
Everything works well for my smaller clients. I now have a bigger client that has about 300 users and 3 domains. The users are divided roughly equally amongst the domains - ie, 3 domains each with 100 users. I've added the first domain as normal:
$c = get-credential
New-organization -name "Pretend Company" -DomainName -ProgramId HostingSample -OfferId 2 -location en-US -AdministratorPassword $c.password
After that I logged into the ECP control panel and created all the users. The migration went smoothly and has been working well for the last week. Now, it's time to add the next domain. Since the client wants all 300 users visible in the same GAL, I just
added a domain to the organization:
New-AcceptedDomain -Name -DomainName -Organization "Pretend Company"
This is where I run into problems. When I try to create the users for via ECP, I am able to create the user successfully, and select from the drop down. Once the user is created however, I am able to see that although their UPN
is, it created their email address as
I tried creating the users manually via EMS:
$password = Read-Host "Enter password" -AsSecureString
New-MailUser -UserPrincipalName -Password $password -Name "Test User" -Organization "Pretent Company" -PrimarySmtpAddress
The user creates successfully and I can see the user created in the proper OU in AD. Unfortunately I can not see them in ECP nor can I see them if I do:
get-mailbox -Organization "Pretend Company"
This makes the management of the users very difficult to delegate, and I'm not sure that the users at will even work.
This brings me to my questions:
(1) Is is possible create accounts that have different domain names in their default email addresses within the same Organization in /hosting mode?
(2) Is this something I need to do with an EmailAddressPolicy? I read the documentation but it didn't seem /hosting friendly.
August 25th, 2011 8:09pm
Hi Earonk,
Please post your issue on below forum, you will get more help from there:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 26th, 2011 5:06am