Exchange 2010 - Cannot change default accepted domain
HiI am trying to change the default accepted domain in Exchange 2010In the EMC, under "Hub Transport", "Accepted Domains"When I try to set an Accepted domain as the default I receive this error: "Email address policy opject doesn't have a primary SMTP E-Mail address specified in the template"I think that this is because the Default email address policy is not configured correctly.When I go to the "E-Mail Address Policies" tab I receive this warning:--------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Exchange Warning--------------------------------------------------------Warnings
Warning:The object Default Policy has been corrupted, and it's in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
Warning:The e-mail address policy object doesn't have a primary SMTP E-mail address specified in the template.--------------------------------------------------------When I try to edit the Default policy I find that there are no SMTP addresses conifgured, so I add: %m@example.comBut this operation always fails on the completion step:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Elapsed time: 00:00:03
Edit Default PolicyFailed
Error:The operation can't be performed on the default e-mail address policy.
Exchange Management Shell command attempted:set-EmailAddressPolicy -ConditionalDepartment @() -ConditionalCompany @() -ConditionalStateOrProvince @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute1 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute2 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute3 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute4 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute5 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute6 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute7 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute8 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute9 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute10 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute11 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute12 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute13 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute14 @() -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 @() -RecipientContainer $null -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates '' -Name 'Default Policy' -Identity 'Default Policy'
Elapsed Time: 00:00:03--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How can I add an SMTP address to the default policy, or re-create the default policy?Thanks for your help!
February 4th, 2010 7:30am
I have managed to set the primary SMTP address in the default policy.On the Domain Controller I ran: adsiedit.mscConfiguration [] CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com CN=Services CN=Microsoft Exchange CN=Example Company CN=Recipient Policies CN=Default Policy gatewayProxy: SMTP:%m@example.comI can now change the default accepted domain.
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February 4th, 2010 8:11am
Did you make the change in ADSIEDIT, delete it or ?
March 4th, 2010 6:02pm
Or better - use powershell:
Get-EmailAddressPolicy def* | Set-EmailAddressPolicy -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates 'SMTP:@New.Domain'
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July 2nd, 2010 3:12pm