Exchange 2010 : transaction logs not deleted

On my Exchange 2010, the logs had taken up all the space , I had to stop the database and delete the logs manually.

Yet my backups are all successful and I did not have this problem since before the logs are suppressed . I do a full backup every night.

 The Windows backup extension service exchange is started during the backup. I rebooted the server but the problem is not corrected .

the only thing I found weird is when I run a backup there is very long on " running the consistency check for the Microsoft Exchange application"

Would you have a idea to understand why exchange transaction logs can not remove ?

Thank You
July 28th, 2015 5:30am


set loglevel and make backup

Set-EventLogLevel "MSExchange Repl\Exchange VSS Writer" -Level Expert
Set-EventLogLevel "MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Exchange Writer" -Level Expert
Set-EventLogLevel "MSExchangeIS\9002 System\Backup Restore" -Level Expert

and check windows eventlog for error message and share error messages.

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July 28th, 2015 1:33pm


Generally, we can configure Exchange to save disk space by enabling circular logging. Circular logging allows Exchange to overwrite transaction log files after the data that the log files contain is committed to the database:

Additionally, we can also directly remove unneeded Exchange transaction logs. For the detailed steps, please refer to:

If there is any problem, please provide the detailed event logs for further analysis.


July 29th, 2015 3:04am


When you do a full backup it requires to see all the logs and does the backup before purging. It might be that the backup cannot find the old logs before it purge. I would suggest to enable logging to see find out what is the cause of the problem.

Are you using a 3rd party backup solution? 

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July 29th, 2015 3:12am

i have found the problem

first, i use Windows server backup to save server to NAS. I used one script who did not user VSS  fullbackup. So, i have added this line to the script :


but i use also backupexec and the problem was that backupexec had trouble with the tape, so the backup was not successuf. So, backupexec didn t purge exchange log anymore.

i have solve the problem with backupexec and now it will be OKthanks

July 29th, 2015 5:18am

Good news. 
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July 29th, 2015 7:34am

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