Exchange 2010 DB mounting & PowerShell
So we have a backup site that has 3 exchange instances on it and when the main site gets disconnected from there the DBs failover mount to MBX 3-5. Unfortunately for the time being that backup site has only a 1gig pipe to the rest of the buildings so after that site comes back up everyone complains that their email is slow. That is, until I manually move each DB back over to the MBX 1 & 2. I have them split up between the two exchange instances here at the larger data center. So my question is about writing a script that will handle that in one click. I want to keep this handy to run in PS but I wanted to see if any experienced exchange admins have any advice on this script. I haven't actually ran this but this is what I'm finding on technet. Is it ok to run them all right after one another or do I need pauses? I don't want to tank network speed. Will this be ok to run through for each DB? Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase DB1 -ActivateOnServer MBX1 -MountDialOverride:None Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase DB3 -ActivateOnServer MBX1 -MountDialOverride:None Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase DB2 -ActivateOnServer MBX2 -MountDialOverride:None Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase DB4 -ActivateOnServer MBX2 -MountDialOverride:None Taken from here:
July 13th, 2012 2:34pm

Hi, yes this will work. But a more flexible solution would be to configure the "Activation preference number" attribute for a database und use the script redistributeactievdatabases.ps1 you will find this script in scrpt folder in Exchange setup Directory. futher information you will find on: So the idea is to configure the database attribute and configure a sheduled task in ordre to redistribute the active databases. regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
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July 13th, 2012 3:23pm

Hi, could I help you? If your question is answered it would be nice if you mark it accordingly because this may help others who have got the same or a similar question. Kind regards Thomas regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
July 19th, 2012 6:27am

I poked around at redistributeactivedatabases but it didn't look like it was what was I looking for. The quick and short script I wrote works, I tested it, so I'm not sure what you want me to mark as the answer.
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July 19th, 2012 9:47am

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