Exchange 2010 HA design and issues
I recently setup a test lab for Exchange 2010 HA. I've created three VMs for Exchange roles. One is Edge Transport, The other two holds CAS, HUB, MBX. I've successfully setup a DAG and tested mail routing and OWA all works fine. DAG failover
occured succesfully as well.
Now, serious problems come after turn off all the Exchange servers for couple days and try bring them back to work again. Cannot open EMC or EMS. EMC just takes for ever to initialize and EMS will eventually tell me "Cannot connect to Exchange server".
OWA and MAPI all stopped working... Feel like I have to rebuild everything...
Not sure why this happened. Is it because in a HA deployment I dont suppose to turn off both node? What will be the correct way to turn them off then?
November 19th, 2010 4:10pm
Whether it's a HA deployment or a standalone server, restarting the servers shouldn't affect the exchange (or any application)
Please Check
the following
- Check the NIC and IP configuration, Virtual Network settings
- Check
Exchange related services
- Check Exchange server able to connect\communicate with the DCs
Regards, Hari | MCSE+ Messaging
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November 19th, 2010 11:13pm
Inaddition to Hari Please check your ADS Server and also DNS try to ping the Domain controller from exchange server also check the VM Connectivity.
Post the Event IDs from your Exchange Server applications Logs
Thanks Mhussain
November 20th, 2010 4:40am
How about your question? Any updates?
Please follow the suggestions (which given by the friends above) to troubleshoot your problem.
If you get any error, please paste in your next post.
Here are two similar posts for you, hope it helps:
Can't connect to Exchange 2010 server using EMC or EMS
can’t open EMC or EMS for exchange 2010 from local machine
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November 23rd, 2010 4:29am
The issue seems caused by the time of my VMs. I eventually re-built the whole thing...
January 9th, 2011 7:04pm