Exchange 2010 OWA
I have two HUB CAS Servers. One hubcas is working fine and i am able to access owa. On the second hub cas when i enter the URL https://servername/owa, it gives me the following error. "The custom error module does not recognize this error." I seen soo many articles and removed and recreated my OWA virtual directory. Given proper permissions on web.config file.. restarted IIS, but still having same issue.. from second server not able to access my OWA... Manish Kumar MCSA, MCITP Enterprise Admin. MCTS Exchange server 2007, MCITP Virtualization Admin.
June 28th, 2012 7:38am

I have two HUB CAS Servers. One hubcas is working fine and i am able to access owa. On the second hub cas when i enter the URL https://servername/owa, it gives me the following error. "The custom error module does not recognize this error." I seen soo many articles and removed and recreated my OWA virtual directory. Given proper permissions on web.config file.. restarted IIS, but still having same issue.. from second server not able to access my OWA... Manish Kumar MCSA, MCITP Enterprise Admin. MCTS Exchange server 2007, MCITP Virtualization Admin.
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June 28th, 2012 7:38am

Hi Manish, Would like to understand couple of things here. - What are you trying to achieve? - Are these servers in same site or different? - Are they in CAS array? - Also the error message that is generated does'nt show anyproblem, i mean its not giving any info - Is it a new setup or it was working and then stopped? - If it stopped working, then probably you have to look into what changed that caused this issue. - Also see if you can get some more details on the error part.
June 28th, 2012 7:55am

BOTH servers are in same site.. yes they are in CAS Array.. no this is not a new setup.. it was working fine till last night.. I will send more details ....Manish Kumar MCSA, MCITP Enterprise Admin. MCTS Exchange server 2007, MCITP Virtualization Admin.
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June 28th, 2012 9:14am

That message sometimes appears if a timeout occurred from OWA. What browser are you using? If you clear browser cache and relaunch it does it work? Any errors in the event logs on that CAS? Is Exchange FBA configured?MCITP: Enterprise / Server Administrator | MCITP: Enterprise Messaging Administrator 2007/2010 | MCP | MCDST
June 28th, 2012 3:21pm

Problem Resolved , after running the following command. C:\>PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT\EXCHANGE\V14\UPDATECAS.PS1 After that everything started working.... Excellent command...Manish Kumar MCSA, MCITP Enterprise Admin. MCTS Exchange server 2007, MCITP Virtualization Admin.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 29th, 2012 5:43am

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