Exchange 2010 Phone Number Sync With Mobile Devices
In our company I am running Exchange 2010. Users have their laptops with Outlook 2007/2010 and also have a mobile device (iPhone, Android and a few Blackberries).
On their mobile device the accounts are set up as an Exchange ActiveSync account and the user's emails, contacts and calendar is all synchronised.
All phone numbers in Exchange (Configured through the Exchange Management Console > User's Properties > Address and Phone), are set as +441234567890 format as all our mobile phones are UK numbers.
However when the contact is synced to the user's phone, the "+" sign is lost so when they try to call a number, it doesn't work as the format is 441234567890.
Is there a way to fix this? It's not practical to ask the user's to do anything on their mobile device so is there a solution that can be done through the Exchange server?
Many thanks in advance,
June 18th, 2012 4:35am