Exchange 2010 SP1 Message Tracking
Dear team
When will the contents be available in this Site for Message Tracking
If there is any Message Tracking Blogs or Sites which Explain clearly About the Enhancements in SP1
I am really Upset Compared to Exchnage 2003 there is no other way of tracking messages,
Please help me
December 2nd, 2010 7:08am
Actually, there are more options in 2010 for message tracking than 2003.
You can use the Message Tracking tools in the EMC toolbox (, powershell ( or the ECP/OWA and delivery receipts. (
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December 4th, 2010 5:12am
In Exchange 2010, you can not use Message Tracking in EMC, only in ECP
October 22nd, 2011 1:44pm