Exchange 2010 and Load Balanced Smarthost
Please excuse the newb question....My mail knowledge is limited and I'm working through stuff I'd never heard of until yesterday.
SO.....We use an external SMTP provider who do all of our inbound and outbound spam and virus filtering. They use a load-balanced smarthost apparently which has one address we send all our mail to. At THEIR end, the smarthost let's our exchange server
know all of the IP's that it can send to and it sends happily away until it hits a rate limit, then it moves onto the next server.
We are also a membership organisation who send up to 35,000 emails in a bulk process. This has not been an issue until this week, after we installed a new Exchange 2010 server.
The problem appears to be that Exchange doesn't know to (or know HOW to) utilise those extra IP's. We know this because the rate limit PER IP is 20 and the exchange server is only sending 20 mails per minute. The load balanced smarthost contains
23 servers, so we SHOULD be getting throughput of about 460 per minute.
Does ANYONE know anything about settings inside Exchange 2010 that would dictate how Exhcnage utilises that smarthost and why it would not be doing it correctly?
Please advise......this is hurting our business quite badly, as those emails are what generate interest in our products and create an income for us.
Thanks in advance.
October 12th, 2010 7:19pm
Are you referring to your outbound send connector?
You can specify multiple smarthost addresses in this field, however Exchange will pick one unless it’s unavailable.
It will not use the additional addresses. Instead you can put an MX record in there.
The MX can then contain multiple addresses.
Mike Crowley
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January 18th, 2011 10:46am