Exchange 2010 deployment
Hi guys,
I have a qeustion about Exchange 2010.
I have a domain ORKA.COM also with ORKA.COM / ORKA.LOCAL authoritative SMTP domain Exchange 2010.
Email flow is working, not any problem like internally and externally everything goes trought postbus to the user.
And also on DMZ I use Clearswift not a Edge server. Is also working.
But my question if I want to buy a new domain like ORAKFISH.COM and testting on the prodcution server to have a look how the mail flow will be work. And what should I have to do on my Exchange server 2010 to work the mail flow and make a new account on
AD and also on Exhcnage server 2010.
I think the step are: Create a new domain with ORKAFISH.COM and make it Internal Relay not
authoritative . Or Just do something else. Who can give me the correct answer for that. And I should make the default policy disable for the test account what I should to create a new user with email adres
XXXX@ORKAFISH.COM on my Exchange server 2010.
What are the correct steps to do that.
August 13th, 2011 2:15pm
High leve steps Point your MX records as you have done for you other SMTP domain. Create an accepted domain for your new domain, it's NOT and Internal Relay domain, just an acepted authoroative domain.
You can create a EAP and filter this so that the new SMTP domain points to a group or users or a user. Or you can manully assing an address to a user account under email addresses on a user object properties. & &
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August 13th, 2011 3:15pm
Authoritative means that Exchange is responsible for all mail for the domain. Internal relay means Exchange may relay mail for that domain to some other mail server. I think you want the domain to be autoritative.
You can either create new recipients with the e-mail addresses in the new domain, or just add an address to an existing recipient.
It is no longer required that you have an e-mail address policy for every domain as it was in Exchange 2003. But you might want to if you want the new domain's addresses to be automatically applied. You can uncheck the Automatically apply e-mail
address policy... checkbox if you don't want to use a policy and want to manually replace the reply e-mail address with another one. That is just fine. You can add an e-mail address that isn't the reply address without clearing that checkbox.
Whatever works best for you.Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
August 13th, 2011 3:22pm
Any update?Fiona
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August 14th, 2011 5:38am