Exchange 2010 receive connectors
Hello, By default there are 2 receive connectors but what is the difference between them. From the outside e-mails are coming on port 25 and from the inside on port 587 from mail clients setup to smtp instead of MAPI. So if I have mail clients both at the inside of the organization and at the outside, how do the settings differ in the mail client, port number, server name, authentication. Can't I just always use port 25 for all mail clients and make it a standard port, why is the 587 available on a different connector ? Thanks
January 19th, 2011 1:39am

You are right ! This connector is created when installing a Hub Transport server, accepts email from non-MAPI clients for SMTP relay, and is configured to use port 587. You can chage this port but itys not advisable.You can create new receive connector for customize mail flow form other source. For example you can create new receive connector to receive mails from applications on port 25. Client Servername This Receive connector accepts SMTP connections from all non-MAPI clients, such as POP and IMAP.Default Servername This Receive connector accepts connections from other Hub Transport servers and any Edge Transport servers you have.Anil
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January 19th, 2011 2:39am

so internally if I need to setup a mail client for pop or imap which port I should use, since when I used port 25 with authentication it always sent e-mails even externally.
January 19th, 2011 2:31pm

Hi, Actually POP and IMAP are not mail send protocol. These are just the connection protocols. These protocols uses the standard ports. POP3 "110" POP3S "995", IMAP "113" IMAPS "993". 587.port used in some countries to block spam traffic.
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January 20th, 2011 2:35am

Hi, Actually POP and IMAP are not mail send protocol. These are just the connection protocols. These protocols uses the standard ports. POP3 "110" POP3S "995", IMAP "143" IMAPS "993". 587.port used in some countries to block spam traffic.
January 20th, 2011 10:31am

There are two types of default Receive Connecters. Here are usage type. Client Servername: This Receive connector accepts SMTP connections from all non-MAPI clients, such as POP and IMAP. Default Servername: This Receive connector accepts connections from other Hub Transport servers and any Edge Transport servers you have. For more information about the Receive Connecters, please refer to the following article: Regards, NovakPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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January 21st, 2011 1:40am

yes but internally I set up Outlook to use smtp port 25 with authentication and itr worked fine, so it is confusing as even the default Servername accepts connections from non mapi clients
January 21st, 2011 1:53am

HI, Answering your next question ! Quote "so internally if I need to setup a mail client for pop or imap which port I should use, since when I used port 25 with authentication it always sent e-mails even externally" Ans: You can use original port of IMAP and POP and it will talk with HUB transport server not directly with Mailbox server, So you need to enable IMAP and POP service in HUB server. Anil
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January 21st, 2011 9:08am

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