Exchange 2010 reinstall SP1
Can someone tell me how to reinstall Ex2010 SP1 ? A couple of new mailbox servers are reporting in the management console as Version 14.0 (Build 639.21) as opposed to Version 14.1 (Build 218.15) for existing servers.
I assume this is because the mailbox role was added to the servers after SP1 had been installed on the newer servers.
Now when I run SP1 setup again it goes into maintenance mode and the only options are to add additional roles. If I try to just proceed it tells me I must choose an additional role to install.
October 19th, 2010 9:46am
On the Server Role Selection page, select the Exchange server roles that you want to add (if you're changing an installation) or remove (if you're removing one or more server roles or an entire installation). Click
Next to continue.
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October 19th, 2010 10:05am
As I said I just want to reinstall SP1 so I am not changing any roles, adding or removing. It then does not go any further forward as it reports that nothing has been changed.
October 19th, 2010 10:41am
I assume this is because the mailbox role was added to the servers after SP1 had been installed on the newer servers.
Hi jarweb,
Do you mean you added the RTM Mailbox Role using RTM setup file on the Exchange 2010 SP1 server?Frank Wang
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October 20th, 2010 3:50am
Just take a look @ Reg key mentioned in below Thread and see if that helps you |CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
October 20th, 2010 4:58am
OK - Here are the steps I followed.
We have the original (RTM) source files with Rollup 3 slipstreamed which we have built our previous servers with. The previous servers have now been upgraded with SP1. These display as Version 14.1 (Build 218.15)
We are setting up an additional 3 new servers with the mailbox server role.
When I used the original source files to install Exchange (NOT the SP1 files) everything went through except it failed on installing the mailbox role.
SO - I then installed SP1 on these servers (which at this time didn't have the mailbox role installed due to the previous error). This installed with no errors.
I then went back and ran setup again and chose to add the mailbox role. At the bottom of the screen it listed the source and destination file paths. The source path was the folder with the SP1 files, as expected. This went through with no errors.
BUT - when I view the new servers in the management console or running the version check in powershell, it reports Version 14.0 Build 639.21.
When we check in control panel / programs the correct version is reported when Exchange 2010 is highlighted. But the wrong version is displayed when checking via the consoles.
Any thoughts ?
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October 20th, 2010 7:16am
Hi jarweb,
"We are setting up an additional 3 new servers with the mailbox server role. "
These 3 servers are dedicated to Mailbox server role?
"I then installed SP1 on these servers.This installed with no errors"
Do you mean you install SP1 Mailbox role successfully?
Anyhow, I would suggest you uninstall the Exchange server on these 3 servers, then reinstall the Exchange.
By the way, do you install the Exchange 2010 SP1 prerequisites before you install the Exchange 2010 SP1?
Exchange 2010 Prerequisites Wang
October 21st, 2010 4:20am
Hi jarweb,
How about your question now? Any updates?Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 24th, 2010 9:55pm
Hi jarweb,
Any updates?Frank Wang
October 26th, 2010 2:09am