Exchange 2010 single cass array multiple sites
Wanted to exact get info about these situations (or maybe someone alreade haved such situation):
1. i have one exchange 2010 cas array (in one site) and there are several AD sites. in all sites exists client oulook 2007/2010. how would comunicate outlook with cas array from different sites (that would be comunnication steps)? there are no
exchange in other sites.
do i have modify databse properties when creating for user from other sites or user from several sites exists in one database)
in microsoft technet stated (i think that it's not applly to this situation, but maybe somene have clear answer).
A load-balanced array of Client Access servers is recommended for each Active Directory site and for each version of Exchange. It isn't possible to share one load-balanced array of Client Access servers for multiple Active Directory sites or to
mix different versions of Exchange or service pack versions of Exchange within the same array.
2. Do exchange 2010 realy needs cas array name like in san certifiacte (because client only access by ssl sites like and, can i use certificate without cas array name?
October 18th, 2010 9:52am
Easy bit first - no the CAS array doesn't have to be in the SSL certificate. However if you are using the same array for load balancing (such as OWA) then it does.
With regards to Sites and the CAS array, I have always read that to mean the site that the Exchange server is in - nothing to do with the site the users are in. Therefore as long as the Exchange servers are all in the same site, you have nothing to worry
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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October 18th, 2010 1:42pm