Exchange 2010 sp2 Missing performance counters:

Please i need your help with Exchange 2010 sp2 perfomance count listed below. I have tried various method.  

  1. Exchange CAS: OAB - Download Tasks Queued

Counter not found: \MSExchangeFDS:OAB(*)\Download Task Queued: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: DC - LDAP Read Time

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: DC - LDAP Search Time

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: DC - LDAP Searches Timed Out

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Searches timed out per minute: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: DC - Long Running LDAP Operations

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\Long running LDAP operations/Min: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: Processes - LDAP Read Time

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

  1. Exchange: Processes - LDAP Search Time

Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

What I have done so far and yet not working:

  1. unlodctr "MSExchangeFDS:OAB"
  2. lodctr /r
  3. Rebooted server.
  4. Copy working xml file to server still did work.
  5. I try this      But couldnt save file got stucked on saving the file.
August 19th, 2013 5:31am

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August 19th, 2013 2:31pm

I have no joy still but i made a little progress as i was abled locate the "FDSOABPerformanceCounters.xml" which sorted out the

Exchange MSEXchangeFDS:OAB

If i can know the xml name for the listed below may that will resolve it for me.

CRIT: Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

CRIT: Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

CRIT: Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\Long running LDAP operations/Min: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

CRIT: Counter not found: \MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time: -1073738824: The specified object was not found on the computer.

September 5th, 2013 12:13pm

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