We have the following environment:
One CAS/HT/Mailbox Exchange 2010 SP3 UR8v2 hosted at Site A with internet access.
Two Exchange 2013 CU7 , one CAS, one Mailbox located at Site B with independent internet access.
All users access OWA by the URL https://webmail.domain.com/owa
We want to configure OWA coexistence, so we changed the DNS entries in order that webmail points to the Exchange 2013 CAS Server and also published the Exchange 2013 server from site A, because an App Firewall resides only in this site.
When we try to access OWA with a user that is hosted in Exchange 2013, everything it's ok. The strange behavior is detailed below:
1. When we try to access OWA with a user hosted in Exchange 2010 from site A, OWA shows in blank
2. When we try to access OWA with a user hosted in Exchange 2010 from site B, OWA shows a HTTP 500 error.
3. When we try to access OWA with a user hosted in Exchange 2010 externally, OWA shows in blank
We verified all the settings, reviewed the IIS logs but couldn't find a clue to solve this issue.
Any experience or suggestion is welcome!