The idea of having a 3rd site for the FSW is that it is on the 'outside' looking in.
The FSW is contacted IF a tie needs to be broken. So in your 2 + 2 server setup, the FSW would need to be contacted if 2 of the servers fall down. And if the FSW is in the primary data center and all go down, the 2 servers in DR try and ask the FSW to
see if there are enough votes for quorum. Since the tie break of 2 vs. 2 needs to be answered, the FSW needs to answer, but is not available, and thus, the 2 DR servers go down.
(IF the 2 DAG nodes in DR fall down, then the 2 in the primary data center with the FSW stay up and running.)
The 'alternate' FSW is just that, an alternate. It is not a primary/secondary situation like DNS search orders. It is primary and alternate. Use it during a manual data center 'star' over. Which is that PPT document to walk through the steps.
2010 had the limitation that the FSW was in the same AD site as a DAG node. 2013 lifted that restriction and allows a 3rd AD site, on the outside looking in, to see that the DAG nodes are up and running.
So yes, we want you to have a FSW in each primary and DR site. But the DR site will not automatically activate. Still a limit of the DAG design. Hence, try and use a 3rd AD site and/or Azure to have seamless fail over without human intervention.
Makes sense?