Thank you for the answers.
I know that GPO is a solution but not an opportunity. If you are using an external workstaion outside the domain at a hotel you dont see the domain/gpo.
I have not seen the problem when using Firefox or IE10 and older
When I try to use Chrome I got an error -> Cache Manifest and a lot of parameteres
The problem is periodically. I'm trying to see if the error comes from both Exchange Servers or only from one of them (Come from both servers)
This is from the file UserSpecificResourceInjector.js:
var blockToAdd;userScriptResources[userScriptResources.length] = { "fileName": "prem/" + sver + "/scripts/globalize/globalize.culture.da-dk.js", "layout": LT_ANY};
styleResources[styleResources.length] = { "fileName": "prem/" + sver + "/resources/images/0/sprite1.mouse.css", "layout": LT_MOUSE};
styleResources[styleResources.length] = { "fileName": "prem/" + sver + "/resources/styles/0/boot.mouse.css", "layout": LT_MOUSE};
setupUserSpecificResources('15.0.1104.5', 'base', 'da-DK', 'da', false, null, null, '0', 'c9QD+S5gx2HKEpO20rkJDJpkLA0=', ["OwaPublicFolders"], 3);
userSpecificsLoaded = true;
Edited by
Kim F. Agersten
Thursday, July 16, 2015 11:36 AM