First of all I want to express mild disappointment with the way quota notification alerts are documented on Technet for Exchange 2013. The only reference I could find is that QuotaNotificationSchedule parameter of the Set-MailboxDatabase cmdlet no longer does anything: "This parameter has been deprecated in Exchange 2013 and it no longer does anything.".
The only other reference I could find is this forum post:
where it says: "Quota messages are generated once the user log in to mailbox in exchange 2013."
However, Microsoft Press published a book in 2013 "Inside Out: Microsoft Exchange Server 2013: Mailbox and High Availability" where QuotaNotificationSchedule parameter is being referenced as a working parameter which controls when Quota notification are being sent.
My experience says that the forum post is correct.
Now onto the problem.
While our customer was still on Exchange 2010 they were the victims of this issue:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2480474/en-us which could easily be fixed with
CheckWarningQuota registry key.
Now we have migrated those mailboxes to Exchange 2013 and again, users are not receiving quota notification e-mails. Only a few users receive quota notifications e-mails and those are users that got their mailbox created on the new Exchange 2013 system. Migrated users do not receive notifications. We have tried CheckWarningQuota on Exchange 2013 but it does nothing. Our theory is that mailbox flag introduced in Exchange 2010 SP1 is migrated with the mailboxes to Exchange 2013 and is the reason why we are not receiving quota notifications again.
I appreciate thoughts and comments.