I used Powershell to move my messagetrackinglog directory to a partition where I can retain a larger history. The process I used was:
- copy files to new location
robocopy oldlocation newlocation
- disable tracking
Set-TransportService <servername> -MessageTrackingLogEnabled $false
- recopy files to new location in case some files were locked first time
robocopy oldlocation newlocation
- set the new path
Set-TransportService <servername> -MessageTrackingLogPath "E:\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking"
- re-enable tracking with increased size settings
Set-TransportService $cn -MessageTrackingLogEnabled $true -MessageTrackingLogMaxAge 365 -MessagetrackinglogMaxDirectorySize 75GB
After this is completed, I verified tracking is working with several get-messagetrackinglogs with the start parameter set to the last minute. I went to delete the files from the old location, and cannot delete the most current MSGTRKDyyyymmdd file. All other files do successfully delete. Watching the old directory, I see that the "D" series of logs is still populating to the old directory!
What did I miss that this log file is still writing to the old location?