Take a look at this link.. This site is a pretty good reference when trying to set up anything in Exchange.
Keep in mind that in order to build a DAG you need at least two Exchange 2013 servers and no more than 16 servers. We have a lot of great information on TechNet to help with this as well. This article may help:
Database availability groups
How much easier is that!
Keep in mind that if you are using two mailbox servers in the same Active Directory site/Datacenter you will need a Primary Witness server. This can either be a Client Access Server or a file server you have in the environment. Also be sure that your disk volumes, mount points, drive letters, etc all match up on each server. If you create a mount point at D:\Mounts\DB1 on one server, and forget to mount a volume in that same location on Server two you may run into space issues pretty quick on server two.
Wow, I am surprised you're able to keep the mailboxes so small. I usually see firms with the same amount of users with atleast triple that. You can certainly join the DR Servers to the same DAG as the production servers and create DB copies on those servers.
The only thing I might do, is make sure the DR Site has a separate namespace, like webmaildr.company.com so i know everything is running through the DR site.
Also, just make sure when you are setting up the DAG that you have an IP address from both the Production LAN and DR Site LAN. Also you will need to make sure that your latency between sites is less than 500 MS.
Here's a great article about Site Resiliency
Don't worry about creating DB's on the DR servers. When you configure creating DB copies Exchange will take care of that.
One thing to make sure is that the storage is exactly the same all 4 servers meaning, if DB01 is on the E:\ then all servers who will have a copy of that DB will need a E:\ for replication to work.