I have a strange behavior on my Exchange Server 2013.
In the last weeks the Database of our Exchange 2013 grew up for more than 100 GB within a few hours then the rapid growth stopped for a view days and then it started again to grow up again for several Gigabytes.
Once this ended up in a full disk so I decided to move all mailboxes into a new Database and hoped that this will fix the problem. But after a view days the problem occurred again.
I have the feeling that there is a faulty client who produces the massive growth. But I couldn't figure out that. The problem is that there are no troubleshooting tools like Exmon available for Exchange 2013.
I've already tried to troubleshoot the problem by following this blog without success:
Does anyone have an idea ??
Microsoft Exchange 2013 (CU1 installed) is running under Windows Server 2012
Thanks for your answers
Exchange 2013 Database grew up rapidly
July 8th, 2013 5:17am