Exchange 2013 Database is too large to mount

I have an exchange 2013 data base that is to large to mount. It is installed on a Server 2012. Can anyone tell me how to edit the registry to increase the default size so I can get this database mounted. I have performed this on older versions but the same registry edit of Database Size Limit in GB does not seem to work. Maybe I am not sure where it should be added.

Any help would be great as this is my active database

June 24th, 2013 12:05am

How big is your DB and what edition of Exchange 2013 are you using?
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June 24th, 2013 5:08pm

The 2013 Exchange Standard and has had the cumulative 1 update and the database is at 1.2TB. I am not sure why as I currently only have 5 users on it. I am not sure if it is due to the fact that I imported their existing emails into it or if it is due to setting the mailboxes for unlimited size. Each mailboxes only shows to have approximately 3gb each so should only be 15gb total.
June 24th, 2013 8:37pm

i would use 'Get-Mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics |ft DisplayName,*size*' to get the stats on each size item for the mailboxes to ensure that they dont have a really large dumpster and that they really are the size you think they are, if that is the case then that doesn't sound normal to me, i would maybe suggest creating a new database and migrating the mailboxes to it?

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June 25th, 2013 12:30am

PS C:\> Get-MailboxDatabase -Server $env:COMPUTERNAME | ft name

If u have mounted all databases except one that of DB with error, so a Exchange Server Licensing issue? (because the Standard edition allows up to five mailbox databases, while the Enterprise edition allows up to 100. Thus, you should request the enterprise edition if your organization is fairly large.)?

if u still have error normally its because of administrative privileges (Run as administrator) it

it solves error 226 )also restarting

PS C:\> Restart-Service "Microsoft Exchange Information Store"

can you paste the event ID ?

June 25th, 2013 2:41am

also use power shell its fast enough and easy for mounting and dismounting.

Dismount-Database -Identity DBNAME -Confirm:$False
Dismount all databases of a server
Get-MailboxDatabase -Server SERVERNAME | Dismount-Database -Confirm:$False
Mount a single database
Dismount-Database -Identity DBNAME -Confirm:$False
Mount all databases of a server
Get-MailboxDatabase -Server SERVERNAME | Mount-Database -Confirm:$False


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June 25th, 2013 2:49am

I remember that there isn't any soft limit in Exchange 2013 Standard Edition anymore however you can check below registry key which was there in Exchange 2010 Standard Edition with 1TB limit.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\<Server Name>\Private-<database GUID>\Database Size Limit in GB

If this is not present then please post what error you are getting when you try to mount the database.

June 26th, 2013 3:06am

Database 'TSEXCH1EDB' can't be mounted on server 'TSEXCH2.tristarbne.local' due to a previous error:       At '7/2/2013 6:25:50 PM' database copy 'TSEXCH1EDB' on this server exceeded the configured maximum database size and service recovery was not attempted. Please increase the value of this registry key on the server hosting the active database copy before attempting to mount this database.       For more details about the failure, consult the Event log on the server for other storage and "MSExchangeIS" events.     Verify that the underlying cause of the error has been corrected before attempting to mount the database. The error can be ignored and the mount allowed if Mount-Database is reissued with the -Force switch.
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July 8th, 2013 3:33pm


As Amit mentioned, I haven't come across a soft limit in 2013 yet. Do you have the registry key in place? Did it make a difference?

July 9th, 2013 4:54am

Yes, I have added the registry key everywhere I can find regarding data base size. As you can see in the error message above it definitely is not mount do to exceeding the maximum configured database size???? There has to be a way to mount this database. Honestly 2013 has been nothing but trouble. I have never experience so many problems in an exchange version as I have in 2013. I really do not know how it grew so fast as I only had 5 users on it to start.

There has to be someone out there that can tell me how to get this database mounted so I can extract my data and start over with a new database.

I really do not want to spend any more money on MS Support as I have spent more on the problems related to 2013 than I have in all the other 15 years of exchange.

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July 9th, 2013 8:52am


How long is your retention settings for? Emails and mailboxes?

Where did you import this mailboxes from? Was a full backup run recently?

July 9th, 2013 10:39am

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