I have a problem with my two Exchange 2013 servers. There are no mailboxes on the servers, because we are just beginning our migration from Exchange 2007. We are running Exchange 2013 SP1 on Server 2012R2
When I try to access ecp/owa on ex01 (https://localhost or https://ex01.domain.local), I am presented with a login page, but after entering my credentials, I get a 503 error:
Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable
On ex02, I can RDP to the server and log into ecp/owa just fine. However, if I log in (https://ex02.domain.local) from another computer (like my PC), I get the same credential page and 503 error.
I verified the following:
- All of the application pools and Exchange services are started
- I do not have any instances of event 2280 in the Application log
- I have also restarted the server
- Local security policy shows that Administrators and Backup Operators have "Allow log on locally" permission
This feels like a permissions issue in IIS, but I'm not sure.
My ECP virtual directory settings (both servers) look like this:
- InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Fba}
- BasicAuthentication : True
- WindowsAuthentication : False
- DigestAuthentication : False
- FormsAuthentication : True
- LiveIdAuthentication : False
- AdfsAuthentication : False
- OAuthAuthentication : False
- ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Fba}
Why won't ex01 let me log in and why would the login on ex02 work from the server, but 503 from my machine? Thanks.